The Neopian Calendar
The Neopian Year is full of all manner of great and exciting events! Holidays, Neopet days, and other celebrations are listed below. And don't forget about the World Events that you can catch, if you're lucky!
The current date and time is: 29th day of Storing, Y14 - 1:45:55 pm NST
The month of Sleeping
- Jan 3rd - Aisha Day
- Jan 6th - Gnorbu Shearing Day
- Jan 11th - Festival of Buzz. (Buzz Day)
- Jan 14th - Sloth Appreciation Day
- Jan 16th - Elephante Day
- Jan 29th - Kacheek Day
The month of Awakening
- Feb 3rd - Zafara Day
- Feb 4th - Jhudora Day
- Feb 12th - Lenny Festival (Lenny Day)
- Feb 14th - Valentine's Day and Neopians everywhere are sending each other messages of Lurve!
- Feb 18th - Chocolate Chia Day (Chia Day)
- Feb 21st - Tonu Day
- Feb 22nd - Mynci Day
The month of Running
- March - Gadgadsbogen - The Mystery Island festival of fruit!
- Mar 2nd - Uni Day, A holiday honouring Neopia's most vain creatures
- Mar 3rd - Cancelled due to lack of interest
- Mar 6th - Gelert Day
- Mar 14th - Scorchio Day
- Mar 17th - Illusen Day
- Mar 22nd - Chomby Carnival (Chomby Day)
The month of Eating
- Apr 1st - April Fool's Day - Time to play crafty tricks and generally be mischevious.
- Apr 2nd - Shoyru Day
- Apr 14th - Grey Day
- Apr 16th - Krawk Day
- Apr 19th - Lutari Day
- Apr 22nd - Kougra Day
- Apr 27th - Cybunny Carnival (Cybunny Day)
The month of Hunting
- May 2nd - Lupe Day
- May 4th - Hissi Day
- May 12th - Tyrannian Victory Day!!!
- May 14th - Moehog Day
- May 25th - Koi Day
- May 28th - Yurble Day
The month of Relaxing
- June 2nd - Fyora Day
- June 6th - JubJub Day
- June 8th - Petpet Appreciation Day
- June 13th - Quiggle Day
- June 15th - Nimmo Day
- June 19th - Kau Day
- June 28th - Acara Aquatic Festival
The month of Swimming
- July 3rd - Flotsam Day
- July 11th - The Ixi arrives in Neopia
- July 12th - Tuskaninny Day
- July 17th - Kiko Day
- July 26th - Peophin Day
- July 29th - Ruki Day
- July 30th - Discovery of Meridell
The month of Hiding
- Aug 8th - Blumaroo Day
- Aug 11th - Discovery of Brightvale
- Aug 18th - Meerca Day!
- Aug 20th - Annual Usuki Doll Convention
- Aug 24th - Grundo Independence Day
- Aug 25th - Mutant Day
- Aug 29th - Kyrii Day
The month of Gathering
- Sept 9th - Draik Day
- Sept 13th - Techo Day
- Sept 15th - The Annual Chocolate Ball
- Sept 19th - Poogle Parade (Poogle Day)
- Sept 20th - Faerie Festival. Rumour has it that this is when the Faeries are most generous to Neopians.
- Sept 23rd - Annual Gormball Championships
- Sept 25th - Skeith Day
The month of Collecting
- Oct 4th - Grarrl Day
- Oct 10th - Eyrie Day
- Oct 13th - Bori Day
- Oct 16th - Jetsam Day
- Oct 23rd - Symol Day
- Oct 26th - Korbat Day
- Oct 31st - A grand night for the not so good Neopians. Magic and witchery are everywhere today.
The month of Storing
- Nov 3rd - Slorg Day
- Nov 8th - Pteri Flying Championships (Pteri Day)
- Nov 15th - Neopets is another year older! (13) Lots of Celebrating and fun things to mark this special occasion
- Nov 27th - Usul Skiing Season begins (Usul Day)
- Nov 29th - Xweetok Day
The month of Celebrating
- Dec 5th - Bruce Day
- Dec 12th - Wocky Day
- Dec 20th - Borovan Day - Everybody likes to drink a hot cup of borovan on this day!
- Dec 25th - Day of Giving - Gifts abound as all Neopia gets full of festive spirit
- Dec 28th - Ogrin Day
- Dec 31st / Jan 1st - Neopia enters a new year! (Y15)
- plus in the Lierary areola:
 (35) |
Ancient Shopping List Scroll: Perhaps an ancient account of long-forgotten history? Perhaps not... |  (36) |
Ancient Negg Scrolls: They say the secrets of ancient negg magic lie in these scrolls. Either that or somebody really liked neggs. This was given out as a prize for the Y14 Festival of |