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Topic: strawblinx & saustageburs
Dreambook for bluebanshee covenant of the rainbow...
Welcome to my nifty Dreambook, a free guestbook service from New Dream Network and the DreamHost!
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Naime: Madame L.
Homepage URL:
Comments: ou ve oune la paige de la iris muy biene bonne'!
estara le paige est la vous! merci...autre la autre de...dayzis...*rougevamp*
Wednesday, December 22nd 2004 - 12:54:24 PMmodify any text en page with the Text formastting tools at the top of the page. To add other content,I use the Media and Add-ens tabs. I may like to change a style tenplate: clisk on Styles. To add or remove pages use the Pages tab. <>
<>T'Pol, a Vulcan Lady<>
I'm a Rainbow a Composite MonaLisa self-composed composition
a rainbow Nation Coalition A Rainbow Iri's covering the Emerald City
I'm the Midknight Laice wove en a Spell like the Graey Wolf
the Silver StarHawk
WindMagician..I'm the Brown Stone Brown Shoes dweller
with Brown Sugar from The Closet
where Secrets are Kept-well well welches
like the Ancient Pyramid dwellings
the Atlantean Lemurian Architectural Murals
found in the ancient Legends
the reComposed Touristreal sites @home or Abroadbland...
I'm the Red Shoe Diaries the Vampire Chronincles
the Ruby Lips of Pure purrsuasion
portray'd in Classic Show Tunes...
I'm the Rare Earth Twilight Colours
Tawny Tan Rabbit White Rabbit the Red Sea variety vanity pak
CyBunny Greenwitch Graye Power
mature'd with the Winds & Stages of Heavenly Lokas(Realms)
woven from the Garden of SwEden...
I'm the True Blue Ocean Silver Lining Borders
for the Dark and Light
Diamond HarleyQuinne Clouds
Castle (Holding Rainwater for the Rainbow Country Citadel Coalition...)
I'm the OrangeKat02 with Yellow Eyes like the Cougar
Chief YellowHair a Debra Bloundie tune en a
I'm the Sweetwater from The Wishing Well
the Nile Rio Grande Garden Milky Way Sweetness
I am the BlackWhite Magick Sabbath
the Whailing Wall en a True Blue Crystal Moon
Persuasion of Welch Witchiness.
I'm the Deep Purple Tunes
that I wais a
Band BlackVelvet UltraViolet DeepPurple Pearls Before Swine
the Black/White QuickSilver Rainbow Violet Eyes of Hollywood
the Country Bluess Singer Bandshee
the Joan Baez Jazz' Rock&rollin' BoogieWoogie...
band sound waltzsing in the new Moonlight...
I'm all the
thouSand hues Tuesdays & Thursdays Martez y Jueves...
the Tunes and Shoes La Canta Chantras that
become'd a rainbow Iris Band
I am the Rainbow.
<> <>htpp://<>
Proem III for Lillith:
The Mists came early,
An AvonleanShire Misty Rhiannon reminder
of Days...&r Knights of Loneliness ...a kind of Hunger...
like the SheWolf I 'twaiss...
but the only redreamption twaiss staying
within the Croenefines of my own Walls...
I suelft-regenerative Alpha-Gramma-Wave
refurbrishning of mysuelft...
I within mysuelff,my cientre'dts
Hollywood Holy Holagrammishtar Daysies
all wrapped up within mysuelf....
the Eva'Marie of AllSaintsDay...
the Hallows of Hallow'd Ground
I en the EmPassively stirring sterling Dust
of Darkness Sacred Centuries
a Candlelit ...Era-Stage with ElectraLux Candles
Irredescent Lighting to cheer my GasLamp phase:
an Ingrid Bergmar (*Patchouli musk sandalwood Bergamaut*) Se'ance sense of mysuelf...
now Maudernized with MPeg3 Vidreola Staureola MuSinx: the Great Classlinx
of my EraStages/Phases en L'Una:
en one Nunn...I treasuring my Hallways
my Chaimbres where I Progressively
hold my Elder Candles modern,
a PyePiePi ala Modem of $uccess ah suceere
...I approach the Mirror at the Hallway's 'Tee' blend:
a full-length view of Mysuelf
solid-enough for a Lunarrrrr Cambridge view of I
I the Vampire who..walks my own Halls,
cigarette en hand...
ParaaPi TaiKai Lillith mysuelft. < (Sade's Just like Paradise...hauntingly familiar) >
>proembefore the six:III
Princessca AaLeiyah waltzers like a Baillerina, a SweetAngel of the Darkness in the Halls of Lilith...the Legend of Lily Diamiond Lillith contrinues....